Masters' and Doctoral Programs

Course Curriculum

Students can obtain a master's degree by completing the master's course curriculum and by successfully submitting a master's thesis or designated research thesis. Doctoral degrees can be acquired through the doctoral program by having a doctoral dissertation approved.

The master's program gives students the chance to carry out research in a specialized or related field, and develop tangible results from their master's thesis or designated research thesis.

The doctoral program is designed to allow students to conduct independent specialized research and complete a doctoral dissertation that reflects their advanced analytic capabilities.

With the support of a guidance committee, master's program students aim to produce a master's thesis or designated research thesis while taking core classes for each field and engaging in practical seminars.

For the doctoral program, each student has their own doctoral thesis guidance committee composed of faculty members that will guide them in writing their theses. At the beginning of each academic year, students submit a research plan based their supervisor's advice. The guidance committee then provides feedback and support for each unique plan.

Students can also obtain credits for correlating classes and subjects based on exchange agreements with other graduate schools.

Master's Program Curriculum and Required Subjects

1. The subjects listed below are an example of those required to complete the master's program. Subject selection is flexible and it is possible to take other subjects. However, due to yearly changes in availability, the subjects shown may not be available every year.

2. The Graduate School of Business Administration focuses on close but flexible individual supervision. After enrolling, students decide which subjects to take and discuss the direction of their research with supervisors. Depending on their previous education, some students are recommended to take undergraduate subjects as well.

3. Technically, the class load for a student's second year of enrollment in the master's program is lower than the first, as the focus shifts from class work to thesis research, practical work and guidance.