University LibraryAbout Us

Providing valuable materials that tell our history and information that is in line with the times
The history of the University Library dates back to 1877 (Meiji 10). The Library is home to a wide range of materials, from Japanese and Chinese literature published before the Meiji period to electronic media materials. It safely stores many valuable works and special literary collections. Gakushuin University's library is divided into the University Library, as well as libraries and research facilities for various faculty and departments. These house approximately 2 million copies of the entire University's materials that can be centrally searched using our GLIM/OPAC library search system. Furthermore, these facilities offer an adequate setup of online databases and e-books including newspaper and magazine articles that are useful for preparing reports and graduation papers. An environment has been setup allowing access from home without having to visit the libraries. Also, 14 university libraries in the vicinity are also available for use through mutual use agreements.
University Library
Located on the 2nd to 11th floors of the 14-story East Building 1, which opened in April, 2023. This also support for a variety of learning styles, such as private learning rooms, group learning rooms, individual learning rooms, and active learning areas, allowing students to use the facilities even on holidays.
Law and Economics Library
This facility occupies the 3rd to 7th floors of the East Building 2 (commonly known as Law and Economics Research Building). This is a large-scale undergraduate library offering a wide range of materials. It focuses on social science literature such as law, political science, economics, management, and sociology.
Faculty of Science Library
This is an undergraduate library with materials for the Graduate School of Science. Housed are a science department library (physics, chemistry, life) on the first floor of South Building 4, and a science department library (mathematics) on the third floor.