
Research at Gakushuin UniversityResearch

at Gakushuin University

Gakushuin University offers on one campus a wide range of faculties and graduate schools covering the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The University is characterized by its diversity, and its original and pioneering research subjects that span a wide variety of disciplines. Based on a sound environment, the University has accumulated a solid track record, and maintains a high scientific research funding rate. Gakushuin tirelessly continues to face challenges at the leading edge of each field and contributes to the development of a sustainable society.


Scientific Research Grant Program Adoption Rate No.1
Percentage of High-quality Scientific Papers Published No.1
Japanese Research Paper Publisher Share Ranking No.3
  1. *1 Adoption rate by research institution to which researchers are affiliated (Newly Adopted in 2021,2022 and 2023)
  2. *2 Published in Nature Index 2018 Japan/1st place among academic institutions in Japan
  3. *3 Published in Nature Index 2021