
Useful LinksGlobal

Useful Linksメインビジュアル

Emergency and Other Useful Information

Emergency contact information


To report a crime or an accident, call 110.
For consultation for potential victims of fraud, domestic violence, and other criminal acts, call #9110 or 03-3501-0110.

Fire Department:

To get a fire engine or an ambulance, call 119.

Useful links

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)  Scholarship information, etc.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)  Information about the JLPT
International Foreign Students Association (IFSA)  Scholarship and job-seeking information, etc.
Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau  Information on immigration process
Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners  Job-seeking information
Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information "Himawari"  Locations of hospitals and clinics, health consultations, etc.
Japan Meteorological Agency  Multilingual information on disaster mitigation
Tokyo Metropolitan Government "Disaster Preparedness Tokyo"  Information about how to prepare yourself for a disaster
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Foreign Residents' Advisory Center  Information about the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's consultation and counseling service for foreign people living in Tokyo
AMDA Medical Information Center  Advice for finding medical institutions and provide information on healthcare and welfare systems in Japan