Associate Professor, International CentreGlobal

Associate Professor Daichi YANAMOTO
2017: Ph.D. in Cultural and Educational Development, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
2011: M.A. in Educational Media, Graduate School of Education, Daegu National University of Education, Republic of Korea
2007: B.A. in Elementary School Teacher Training Program, Faculty of School Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Professional experiences
2023-present: Associate Professor, International Centre, Gakushuin University
2018-2023: Lecturer (Special Appointment), Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University
2017-2018: Educational Research Assistant, Department of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
2015-2016: Part-time lecturer, International Exchange, International Center, Hiroshima University
2012-2018: Part-time lecturer, Korean language, Hiroshima University
2012-2017: Part-time lecturer, Korean language, Hiroshima Shudo University
2007-2012: Native Japanese language instructor, Daegu Foreign Language High School
Contact information
Research fields
Cognitive psychology, Psycholinguistics, Japanese language education, Second language acquisition
Message to students
You may occasionally wonder what you could do in the future. Studying abroad and having international experiences should broaden your horizon and help you reflect on yourself. In a different cultural environment, you would find what you have thought to be the norm is not so anymore. You would have to think seriously about how to adjust yourself to unfamiliar circumstances and act accordingly. Talking with people from different countries/backgrounds would give you a new perspective so that you can think about various social issues as your own problems. If you take on the challenge of studying abroad, you would eventually get a return: self-confidence and creative skills. Don't miss this opportunity to have a great international experience, which you can have only as a student. Let's challenge!