
Basic Information on Education and ResearchAbout Us

Basic Information on Education and Researchメインビジュアル

Basic Information on Education and Research

1.Gakushuin University's Philosophy and Goals (Founding Spirit)

The goals of Gakushuin University are to research and teach detailed academic theory and practice and to produce graduates noble in character, resolutely insightful, and sound and rich in thought and feeling who will contribute to cultural development and the welfare of humankind.

2.Gakushuin University's Education Targets (Student Development Policy)

Bachelor's Programs
Gakushuin University respects the individuality of students and, through education programs that organically combine basic education spanning the humanities and sciences with more diverse, specialized learning, produces graduates who are fully equipped to identify their own challenges and propose and implement the required solutions.

Master's Programs
Gakushuin University Graduate School master's programs build on the foundations laid by the bachelor's programs through highly specialized theoretical and practical teaching and research, producing graduates with the ability and depth of knowledge to succeed as either researchers or professionals with a high level of expertise.

Doctoral Programs
Gakushuin University Graduate School doctoral programs, through research guidance that meets the educational and research goals of the Graduate Schools, produce graduates with the ability to perform advanced, cutting-edge and unique research as independent researchers, to engage in highly specialized professionals and to have the fundamental knowledge appropriate for them.

Professional School Programs
Gakushuin University Professional School, through theoretical and practical teaching and research, produces graduates with the deep knowledge and superior abilities to be able to take up a highly specialized profession.

3.Gakushuin University's Diploma Policy

Bachelor's Programs
Gakushuin University, under the provisions of its University Regulations and Degree Regulations, awards a Bachelor's degree to students of the University who have fulfilled the course term prescribed in the University Regulations, obtained the required number of credits for graduation and, through an educational program based on the educational and research goals of their faculty and various extra-curricular activities, cultivated the knowledge, general skills and attitude needed to become members of society having fully acquired the capacity to identify their own challenges and propose and implement the required solutions.

Master's Programs
Gakushuin University Graduate School, under the provisions of the Graduate School Regulations and Degree Regulations, awards a master's degree to students of its master's programs who have fulfilled the course term prescribed in the Graduate School Regulations, acquired the stipulated number of credits for graduation including passing a review and examination on their master's thesis or the outcomes of their research on a specified topic and, through a program of specialized theoretical and practical teaching and research that builds on the foundations of their undergraduate education, cultivated a wide and deep knowledge and outstanding abilities to be able to succeed as highly specialized professionals.

Doctoral Programs
Gakushuin University Graduate School, under the provisions of the Graduate School Regulations and Degree Regulations, awards a doctoral degree to students of its doctoral programs who have fulfilled the course term prescribed in the Graduate School Regulations, acquired the stipulated number of credits for graduation including passing the graduate school's review and examination on their doctoral thesis within a given number of years and, through research guidance that meets the educational and research goals of the graduate school, gained the ability to perform advanced, cutting-edge and unique research as independent researchers and the fundamental knowledge appropriate for highly specialized professionals.

Professional School Programs
Gakushuin University Professional School, under the provisions of the Professional School Regulations and Degree Regulations, awards a degree to students who have fulfilled the course term prescribed in the Professional School Regulations, acquired the stipulated number of credits for graduation, and, through theoretical and practical teaching and research, cultivated a deep knowledge and outstanding abilities to be able to take up a highly specialized profession.

4.Gakushuin University Curriculum Policy

Bachelor's Programs
Emphasizing continuity following on from high school education, Gakushuin University organically combines a broad, fundamental education spanning the humanities and sciences with diverse, specialized learning to give students acquire a "wide perspective, strong creativity and rich sensibility" and the knowledge, general skills and attitude needed to become members of society who can identify their own challenges and propose and implement the required solutions.

Master's Programs
Expanding on what students have learned on a bachelor's program, Gakushuin University Graduate School master's programs nurture their ability to succeed as highly specialized researchers or professionals by teaching them fundamental and leading-edge knowledge and skills in a context of diverse academic research.

Doctoral Programs
Expanding on what students have learned on a master's program, Gakushuin University Graduate School doctoral programs cultivate independent-minded researchers who can succeed on the world stage in advanced, cutting-edge and unique research, and leading professionals able to acquire and integrate the knowledge and skills appropriate for highly specialized work.

Professional School Programs
Gakushuin University Professional School collaborates with institutions from inside and outside the University to deliver practical education that links theory with practice, cultivating the deep knowledge and superior abilities needed to be able to take up a highly specialized profession.

5.Gakushuin University Admissions Policy

Bachelor's Programs
Through various admissions systems geared toward achieving the goals set out in its University Regulations, Gakushuin University admits a diverse range of students who have fundamental academic skills learned at high school or junior high school and the quality and motivation to engage actively in academic work on the bachelor's program and in extracurricular activities.

Master's Programs
Gakushuin University Graduate School master's programs admit students with adequate basic academic skills learned on a bachelor's program who set and pursue their own challenges, and who are motivated to proactively conduct research or enter a highly specialized profession after graduation.

Doctoral Programs
Gakushuin University Graduate School doctoral programs admit students who have the wide and deep knowledge and specialized research skills developed on a master's program along with a strong desire to conduct advanced, cutting-edge and unique research as independent researchers or to enter a highly specialized profession after graduation.

Professional School Programs (initial plan)
Gakushuin University Professional School admits students who are strongly motivated to cultivate the deep knowledge and advanced skills required to take up a highly specialized profession.

6.Gakushuin University Globalization Policy

Gakushuin University has, since its foundation, produced internationally successful graduates while carrying out international research based on its philosophy, goals and mission to "contribute to cultural development and the welfare of humankind by researching and teaching detailed academic theory and practice and developing valuable talent" (University Regulations). In light of the current advance of globalization, however, we are now promoting the further globalization of research and education organically linking international research and international education.
We currently place particular focus on the following three key points in regard to the development of global talent.

(1)  Developing people with advanced foreign language skills and specialized knowledge who can form personal networks and gather and pass on information
In this era of globalization, the acquisition of English and other foreign languages is without doubt an increasingly essential skill, whatever the field. Whether activities take place in Japan or overseas, it is important to use English to interact with people and to gather and pass on information over the Internet, etc .
(2)  Developing people who enjoy a challenge and have the individuality, cooperativeness, and problem-solving skills to succeed in the global society
There is a need for people who can compete with others worldwide, understand foreign cultures and customs, and promote understanding of Japan among other people, as well as overcome various differences and solve problems they have set themselves.
(3)  Developing people with a deep knowledge of Japanese language, culture and society who can interact internationally
For people living in this era of globalization, it is important not only to know about the country of those they meet but also to have knowledge of their own country's language, culture and history that they can pass on. They also need the ability to promote understanding of Japan based on a full awareness of global diversity.

There are seven specific policies that should be carried out in order to develop such talent, as follows.
1) Promote overseas study or overseas research and so on utilizing a researcher network and establish an education curriculum for that purpose
2) Develop new global education and research by linking foreign language education, professional education and information literacy
3) Expand opportunities for global experience coming into direct contact with overseas students on campus by promoting the overseas student intake
4) Take strong measures as a knowledge hub against regional globalization and the problems it causes
5) Construct a system of certifying extracurricular global experience as a whole, including overseas language training, problem-based local training, overseas voluntary work, overseas internships, etc., according to the quality assurance of the education
6) Support the active dissemination of information by students in order to promote Japanology and convey "Japan" to the world
7) Promote the globalization of students through participation in Japanese langauge education aimed at a diverse range of foreigners of all generations including overseas students, foreign local residents, etc.

Gakushuin University's numerical internationalization targets
1) No. of overseas partner school contracts: At least 60 schools by the end of 2019
2) No. of (Japanese) students with experience of an overseas education programme: At least 15% of (undergraduate) students enrolled on a bachelor's programme in 2019.

7.Gakushuin University's Model Teachers and Teacher Organization Policies

Gakushuin University's Model Teachers
Gakushuin University seeks teachers with a rich sense of humanity, outstanding educational skills and world-class advanced research abilities, who fully understand the goals and basic policies of the University and its faculties and graduate schools.

Teacher Organization Policy
Gakushuin University assigns full-time teachers based on the Standards for Establishment of Universities, Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools, and Standards for Establishment of Professional Graduate Schools, and conducts appropriate teacher organization geared toward proper curriculum management in order to achieve the goals of the University and its faculties and graduate schools.

Teacher Recruitment, Employment and Promotion Policy
Gakushuin University, in accordance with the standards set out by its faculties and graduate schools, conducts fair screening and selection in the recruitment, employment and promotion of teachers while maintaining transparency and propriety.

Teacher Qualification Enhancement Policy
Gakushuin University takes systematic and continuous steps to maintain and enhance the educational and research skills of its teachers. The Faculty Development Promotion Committee plays a central role, striving to uphold and improve teachers' educational and research abilities by identifying necessary measures such as reforming education methods and enriching training programs, research aid, and so on.

8.Student Support Policy

Gakushuin University provides a learning environment enabling all students to focus on their studies and lead a fulfilling student life, and maintains a system for supporting the growth of students while respecting their individuality and independence.

9.Educational and Research Environment Provision Policy

Gakushuin University strives to provide, enhance and maintain the facilities and equipment required for the realization of its goals and the further advancement and globalization of the educational and research activities of its students and teachers.

10.Social Partnership and Social Contribution Policy

Gakushuin University contributes to the development of society, industry and the community by forming partnerships with industry, government, NPOs, NGOs, and so on in response to social demand and feeding the various results from its research activities back into society.

11.Administrative Management Policy

Gakushuin University strives to conduct transparent, fair and functional administrative management toward the realization of its goals, and endeavors to reinforce its educational governance that enables educational reform while fulfilling its obligation of social accountability. The University also tries to improve the transparency, soundness and stability of its administrative management by formulating and releasing its mid- to long-term plans, including its financial plans, for its sustainable development.

12.Internal Quality Assurance Policy

To raise education and research standards and accomplish its goals and social mission, Gakushuin University strives to improve by conducting self-inspections and evaluations of its education and research activities and publicizing the results.

13.Age Composition of Full time Teachers


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  • Campus Overview