


Message from Overseas Students

Below are interview videoes and comments from former exchange students from overseas who studied at Gakushuin University in the past. Some students wrote their comments in Japanese. Please note that some of the comments are excerpts.

Exchange Student Interview


Pang Lee Wan - Chinese University of Hong Kong

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
September 2023 - August 2024


また、日本の大学での授業は非常に充実していました。国際社会学科の授業でも、他の政治学の授業でも、日本人や他国の留学生と意見を交換することで、異なる文化的背景を持つ人々が日本文化について異なる考えを持っていることを理解できました。特に印象に残っているのは、Japan Studiesの授業で、自国での日本文化への関心や寿司の作り方を共有したことです。日本についてより深く学ぶだけでなく、さまざまな興味深い意見を知ることができたので、卒業論文の情報収集に非常に役立つと思います。



Leung Yiu Sing - Chinese University of Hong Kong

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
September 2022 - August 2023




YEUNG, Chuen Lung - Chinese University of Hong Kong

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2021 - August 2022




YANG, Ning Kwan - Chinese University of Hong Kong

Enrolled in Faculty of International Social Science
September 2021 - August 2022

I am so glad to be one of the exchange students in Gakushuin University in this year. Exchanging during the pandemic is extremely difficult, but it also becomes a memorable experience in my life.

Due to pandemic, my exchange has been postponed to this year. My first semester of exchange was held online because of the Japan-entry's restriction. Although it was held online, I met a lot of great teachers and improved my Japanese in classes. The teachers in Japanese classes were so nice and friendly. After Japanese government announced the release of border for the overseas students, international center also gave us many supports on the border entry. Summarizing all the details and guidelines for us. Thanks to international center, I could arrive in Japan smoothly in the beginning of April. All the arrangements, including the quarantine, dorm, as well as the registration of classes, were good. I really appreciated the efforts that international center and Gakushuin University has done for us in this difficult time.

All the experience in these few months is unforgettable. I met a lot of friends from different countries, like Italy, Thailand, UK, Poland and so on. I have known a lot more about their countries, which I have never been. We have taught each other about our counties' culture, language, as well as the traditions. We also have experienced the Japanese culture together. International center gave us a lot of opportunities to experience the Japanese traditional culture. Workshops, day trips and events have been organized for us. I made my own glass cup in glass-blowing workshop in Kawagoe. I also learnt to make a traditional Japanese rabbit candy in the candy-making workshop in Ueno. All these experiences are so unique and precious. The exchange program is short, and all these friends last for life.

My Japanese proficiency also improved, thanks to the exchange program. In Gakushuin, I am able to join different activities or student groups organized by locals. I have a lot of chances to speak in Japanese and thus my Japanese is getting better. At first, I was not confident to speak with the Japanese, but turned out all of them are friendly to talk with you. I am now able to talk Japanese confidently and fluently.

It is a wonderful time especially in the pandemic-era. These few months are like living in a dream. I hope we can meet each other again in the near future.

WONG, Tsoi Yin - Chinese University of Hong Kong

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Letters
September 2019 - August 2020

2020 is definitely not the perfect year for exchange due to the pandemic. However, it is so far the best academic year I have had. Living here in Tokyo has always been my dream, even if it is only for a short year. I have experienced and learnt so much spending time in Gakushuin University. I think it is amazed that I can choose any course as long as it fits my ability. I had chosen Japanese, English, American culture, and Sports for my schedule. I am grateful that local lecturers are so kind and caring towards exchange students like myself, which they patiently explained and answered my questions whenever I could not understand their Japanese lectures. Many of them even chat with me outside the classroom, and welcomed me to have small chats whenever I feel like needing an advice.

The International Centre of Gakushuin University is also very thoughtful. At first, I was a bit worry of living alone in a foreign country, with possibly not much of assistance. However, International Centre arranged two buddies to help with my studies and all kinds of registrations. It is also a great opportunity for meeting locals at my age. For a rather shy person like me, the buddy programme has helped me connecting with local students. More than that, staffs have always listened to the needs of students, and help solving it promptly. I am grateful for having such caring personal assistance.

All in all, I am very satisfied with my exchange and I am really hoping to be visiting here again.

LIAO, Rongcheng - Beijing Foreign Studies University

Enrolled in Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters
April 2019 - March 2020



SUN, Renhui - Beijing Foreign Studies University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
April 2018 - March 2019




Republic of Korea

KIM YONGMIN- Dongguk University

Enrolled in Department of History, Faculty of Letters
April 2024 - August 2024

가쿠슈인에서 보낸 한학기는 저의 인생에 있어 하나의 커다란 자극이 되었다고 생각합니다. 저는 근대 일본의 정치사상에 대한 연구를 희망하며, 관련된 수학환경의 조사 및 사전 적응을 위해 교환학생을 택하였습니다. 이에 문학부 사학과에서 수학하는 한편, 관련된 수업이 다수 개설된 법학부 정치학과의 수업도 적극적으로 수강하였습니다. 이때, 이례적으로 모든 수업을 전공전문과목 혹은 대학원 수업으로 채우는 모험을 시도하였고, 때문에 밤을 지새우며 발표 논문을 작성하거나 논술 시험을 준비하는 등 매우 바쁜 하루하루를 보냈습니다. 이러한 모험은 때로는 체력적 한계에 직면하게 하여 상당한 고통을 자신에게 선사하기도 하였지만, 양질의 수업, 열정적인 교수 및 강사 분들, 그리고 세련되고 깨끗한 수학의 환경덕에 목표로 한 바를 이루는 한편, 미래의 진학에 대한 확실한 기준을 세울 수 있었다고 생각합니다.

이렇게 수학에 집중한 한편, 최대한 여러 곳을 방문할 수 있도록 노력도 하였습니다. 가쿠슈인이 위치한 메지로는 이케부쿠로를 비롯하여 신주쿠와 시부야 등 도쿄의 주요 지역과의 접근성이 매우 좋은 곳입니다. 이에 방과 후 여러 지역을 다니면서 견문을 넓히고, 특히 여행이었으면 절대 오지 않았을 법한 조용한 동네 탐방 등을 자주 즐겼습니다. 이와 더불어 다른 지역으로의 여행도 적극적으로 진행하여 도쿄 근교부터 시작해 간사이와 오키나와 및 홋카이도 등 여러 지역을 방문했는데, 이 과정에서 대학생의 신분을 한껏 활용하여 여러 혜택을 누리시기를 당부하는 바입니다.

가쿠슈인이 무엇보다 좋았던 것은 유학생에 대한 서포트가 활발히 이루어지는 것입니다. 국제센터의 직원분들께서는 항상 친절하게 문의 사항에 응대하여 주시며, 유학생들을 위한 여러 행사들을 기획하고 이를 적극적으로 학생들에게 어필하여 유학 생활이 풍족할 수 있게 항상 서포트 해 주십니다. 비록 저는 일정상 교외에서 이루어지는 행사들에 참여하지는 못했습니다만, 이러한 경험은 일본을 본격적으로 즐길 수 있는 하나의 계기가 되리라 사료됩니다. 더불어 외국인 학생과의 교류를 원하는 여러 학생들이 국제센터에 방문하여 항상 인산인해를 이루고, 먼저 말을 걸며 관심을 가져준 덕분에 자칫하면 외로울 수 있던 유학생활이 웃음으로 가득할 수 있었다고 생각합니다.

길다면 길고, 짧다면 짧을 반년의 수학이었습니다만, 가쿠슈인에서의 수학을 결심했음에 일말의 후회도 없거니와, 오히려 가쿠슈인이어서 정말 다행이었다고 생각합니다. 모쪼록 이후에 올 한국인 교환학생 여러분들도 가쿠슈인에서의 수학을 통해 다양한 것들을 경험하기를 기원하는 바입니다.

学習院で過ごした一学期は私の人生において一つの大きな刺激になったと思います。 私は近代日本の政治思想に対する研究を希望し、関連する修学環境の調査および事前適応のために交換学生を選びました。そこで文学部史学科で修学する一方、関連した授業が多数開設された法学部政治学科の授業も積極的に受講しました。この際、異例的にすべての授業を専攻専門科目あるいは大学院授業で満たす冒険を試み、そのために夜を徹して発表論文を作成したり論述試験を準備するなど非常に忙しい毎日を過ごしました。このような冒険は時には体力的限界に直面させて相当な苦痛を自分に与えたりもしましたが、良質の授業、情熱的な教授および講師の方々、そして洗練されてきれいな修学の環境のおかげで目標にしたことを成し遂げる一方、未来の進学に対する確実な基準を立てることができたと思います。




HA SEONGSIK- Kyungpook University

Enrolled in Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science
April 2024 - August 2024

우선 제가 일본 교환학생을 왔던 가장 큰 목표 중 하나가 해외 친구 만들기와 일본어 실력 키우기 였습니다. 그 외 다양한 경험들을 할 수 있어서 엄청 좋았지만, 제가 처음 목표했던 것들을 이루고 돌아가게 되어서 엄청 기쁩니다! 서울에 비해 비교적 유명하지 않은 대구를 많이 알리고 소개할 수 있어서도 좋았고, 일본의 다양한 문화를 접하고 일본 친구들과 놀 수 있는 기회가 엄청 많았던 것이 제 인생에 큰 도움이 될 것 같습니다! 처음에는 부족한 일본어 실력으로 일본에 왔지만, 약 4개월 간 많은 친구들과 이야기 나누고 놀고 먹으며 제 일본어 실력은 제가 봐도 다를 정도로 눈에 띄게 성장했고 이를 바탕으로 앞으로도 쭉 공부해서 앞으로 언젠가 원어민 같은 일본어를 구사할 수 있도록 하겠습니다..!



KIM CHAN - Inha University

Enrolled in Department of Political Studies, Faculty of Law
April 2023 - March 2024

저는 법학부 정치학과에서 1년간 공부했습니다. 정치학 수업을 통해 한국에서의 관점이 아닌 일본에서의 관점으로 세계 정치를 이해하며 다양한 관점에서 생각하는 힘을 기를 수 있었다고 생각합니다. 또한 일본 전통 예능 수업과 유학생 버스 여행 등을 통해 일본의 여러 전통문화를 직접 체험하는 귀중한 경험을 할 수 있었습니다. 학업 이외에는 국제센터의 버디 프로그램과 한국어 멘토 프로그램, 다문화 수업에 참여하여 한국에 관심있는 친구들을 사귈 수 있었고, 적응하는데 많은 도움을 받을 수 있었습니다. 또한 야구동아리, 배구동아리에도 참가하며 다양한 일본인 친구들을 사귀게 되었습니다. 인생에서 가장 많은 친구들을 사귀게 된 시기였다고 생각합니다. 또한 유학 기간 동안 도쿄의 유명 관광지 뿐만 아니라, 지바, 요코하마, 하코네, 가마쿠라, 교토, 후쿠시마, 야마나시 등 다양한 곳에 여행을 가며 즐거운 경험도 할 수 있었습니다. 처음에 일본에 왔을 때는 일본어를 잘 하지 못했고, 경어도 전혀 할 수 없었지만 1년간 친구들과 함께 지내면서, 이제는 전혀 문제없이 소통할 수 있게 되었습니다. 학습원대학에서의 1년은 인생에서 가장 즐거웠고 성장 할 수 있었던1년이었습니다.

私は法学部の政治学科で 1 年間勉強しました。 政治学の授業を通じて韓国での観点ではなく日本での観点で世界政治を理解し、多様な観点で考える力を育てることができたと思います。 また、日本の伝統芸能の授業と留学生バス旅行などを通じて日本の色んな伝統文化を直接体験する貴重な経験ができました。 学業以外には国際センターのBuddyプログラムと韓国語メンタープログラム、多文化授業に参加して韓国に関心のある友達を作ることができ、適応するのに多くの助けを受けることができました。 また野球サークル, バレーボールサークルにも参加して多様な日本人友達を付き合うようになりました。 人生で一番多くの友達と付き合うようになった時期だったと思います。 また留学期間中、東京の有名観光地だけでなく、千葉、横浜、箱根、鎌倉、京都、福島、山梨など様々な所に旅行を行って楽しい経験もすることができました。 最初に日本に来た時は日本語が下手で、敬語も全然できなかったけど1年間友達と一緒に過ごしながら、今は全然問題なく疎通できるようになりました。 学習院大学での1年は人生で一番楽しかったし、成長できた1年でした。

LEE SEONGEUN - Kyungpook National University

Enrolled in Department of History, Faculty of Letters
April 2023 - August 2023

가쿠슈인에서 보낸 한 학기는 일본을 체험할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되었습니다. 일본어 실력을 향상하고 싶다면 학교 측에서 제공하는 프로그램을 활용하면 좋을 것 같습니다. 한국어를 일본인 학생에게 가르치는 프로그램도 있고, SA(Student Assistant)와 페어가 되어 자신이 부족하다고 느끼는 부분을 일본인 친구와 함께 공부할 수 있는 프로그램도 있어서 적극적으로 참여하시면 도움이 될 것입니다. 그리고 여행을 많이 다니는 것을 적극 추천합니다. 도쿄 안에서도 가볼 곳이 많고, 도쿄는 교통이 편리하여 가고자 하는 지역 대부분 신칸센 및 버스로 이동이 가능하기 때문에 여러 곳을 여행하며 좋은 추억을 많이 만들 수 있었습니다. 이외에도 서클에 가입하여 일본인 친구도 사귀고, 전공 수업에도 참여하는 등 가쿠슈인 대학에서 수학하는 동안 일본 문화 체험 및 다양한 경험을 할 수 있었습니다.

学習院で過ごした一学期間生活は日本を体験できるいい機会になりました。日本語実力を上達したいなら学校で提供するプログラムに参加することが役に立つと思います。韓国語を日本の友だちに教えるプログラムもありますし、 SA(Student Assistant)とペアになって自分が足りないと感じる部分を教えてもらうこともできます。そして、 色々な所に旅行に行くこともおすすめです。東京内にも見どころが十分ありますし、東京は交通が便利で新幹線やバスで千葉、名古屋、仙台など旅行して、思い出をつくることができました。これ以外にもサークルに入って、日本人の友達もつくったり、専攻授業にも参加することなど学習院大学で修学している間、日本文化体験を含め、多様な経験ができました。

NAM, Gyeongbin - Dongguk University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
April 2022 - March 2023




JEONG, Wongyu - Kyungpook National University

Enrolled in Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
April 2022 - August 2022




CHO, Haeun - Dongguk University

Enrolled in Department of Law, Faculty of Law
April 2022 - March 2022


今回、留学での私の目標は は1.日本で法学専攻を聞くこと.2.日本大学の部活動をしてみること.3.他国の交換学生たちと交流することでした. 忙しかったですが、努力した分だけ多くの経験ができる留学でした。

COVID-19の時期が終わり、交換留学が再開される最初の学期だったため、授業は遠隔授業と対面授業が適切に混ざっていました。 私は留学生用日本語語学授業2科目と一般教養1科目、法学科授業6科目を受講しました。 他の留学生より専攻をたくさん選択する方で、協定留学生は普通日本文学科を選択するので情報があまりありませんでした。 この部分は学校側で用意してくれる同じ学科のSAさんと個人的に入って部活動で大きな助けになったと思います。 私は会話と聞き取りにはあまり不便を感じませんでしたが、漢字を読んだり、書くのはぜんぜんできない状態でした。 なので、授業を聞くことは問題ありませんでしたが、試験の勉強にあって難しさを感じました。 他の語文系学科で、基本的に漢字を知っている方なら専攻を受けても大きな問題はないと思います。 専攻で使われる語彙は繰り返し学習をしていると自然に読めるのですが、勉強が必要だと思います。 難しいですが、漢字の実力が垂直的に成長することができたし、他の国で他の国の言語で本人の専攻を履修しながら他の見解を直接的に感じることができるという点が一番良かったです。

部活としては空手部、バンド部、カラオケサークルに入って活動しました 部活動は定期的に活動があるので加入できるか心配しましたが、一学期の留学生でも受け入れてくれる雰囲気でした。 いろいろ方法があると思いますが、日本人のお友達とたくさん付き合いたいなら部活が一番いいと思います。 様々な学科と様々な学年の学生が集まっていて、会話したり友達を作ることもでき、授業についてたくさん助けてもらえるということが付加的な長所だと思います。 活動自体でも変わった多様な経験ができて、部活動をしてみたことは本当に良い決定だったと思います。

学校では別に東京都内の様々な観光地やアクティビティを経験できるよう留学生プログラムを設けています。 普段日本に初めて来ると思ったより一人であっちこっち遊びに行くのが難しいです。 このプログラムを通じて行ってみる考えのない良い場所や、一人では体験できない良いアクティビティ(ガラス工芸、歌舞伎など)を主宰してくださって本当に楽しくて良い経験ができました。 また、学習院の定期留学生のような交換留学生と一緒に体験するので、いろんな国の友達と交流できる良い機会だったと思います。

PARK, Jongsun - University of Seoul

Enrolled in Department of Politics, Faculty of Law
September 2019 - March 2020

一学期の間、学習院大学で交換留学生としていました。日本の学生たちと様々な国から来た外国人学生たちとも交流することができ、留学生のための施設や行政などが整っているので、大きな不便なく生活することができました。 何度か旅行を通じて日本に来ましたが、やはり旅行を通じて感じることと生活しながら感じることには多くの差がありました。 韓国と似ていながらも違う部分が多いということが面白かったし、これからも忘れられない経験になると思います。 一学期の間、楽しい時間でした。

LEE, Jieun - Kyungpook National University

Enrolled in Graduate Course of Japanese Language and Literature
September 2019 - March 2020

学習院大学で協定留学生として勉強して良かったです。最初は新しい環境が珍しくて、緊張しましたが、国際センターの皆さんと日本およびさまざまな国籍の学生たちのため、日本でのよい思い出を作ることができました。 そして、茶道や、文楽など日本の文化を直接に体験する、大切な機会もあって、とてもありがたかったです。 住まいは、アゼリアハウスという寮でしたが、平和台からも近いし、家賃も安いし、エアコンや洗濯機、冷蔵庫など、家具も全部完備されてあり、このようなところに住むことができて、とても安心しました。 日本語の授業は、とても役に立ちました。日本人っぽい日本語、日本人はこのような時にどのような表現を作るのかなど、日本人らしいの日本語の勉強をすることができて、とても満足でした。 先生はみんな優しいし、何度も説明してくださって、断念する人がいないように、教えてくださいました。 短かったですが、約半年ぐらい、学習院大学で勉強も、日本文化の体験も、友達との思い出も、全部うまくできて、嬉しいです。

CHOI, Yun Joo - Korea University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
April 2019 - August 2019


KANG, Chanwoo - Kyeongbook University

Enrolled in Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
April 2018 - March 2019




HSU, An Chi - Soochow University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
April 2024 - August 2024





LAI YAN SHEN - National Sun Yat-sen University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
April 2024 - August 2024





LIN, CHIA-LI - National Sun Yat-sen University

Enrolled in Graduate Course of Management
April 2024 - August 2024

In April 2024, I began my semester-long exchange program in Japan, an experience that left a profound mark on my life. Upon arriving in Japan, I inevitably felt a bit apprehensive and nervous, but fortunately, the school arranged for two very friendly buddies to help me get familiar with the environment. They not only showed me around the campus and nearby facilities but also introduced me to many local delicacies and cultural aspects, allowing me to quickly adapt to life here.

Gakushuin University's environment is incredibly welcoming to foreign students. The staff and  students were all very warm and helpful, making me, as a first-time resident abroad, feel quite at ease. The campus has an international student office that is always ready to provide various forms of assistance, enabling me to quickly find solutions to any difficulties I encountered in both my life and studies.

During this exchange period, I made friends from all over the world. Through conversations and outings with them, I learned a lot about different cultures and ways of life from various parts of the globe. Whether my friends were from Europe, America, or other Asian countries, each person's experiences and stories broadened my horizons, and these valuable interactions gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world.

The course offerings at Gakushuin University are also very considerate of foreign students. Some courses are available in English, which allowed me to keep up with my studies smoothly. Additionally, the Japanese language courses offered by the school are highly professional, with teachers who are very patient in guiding us. Whether it was pronunciation or grammar, the teachers would carefully correct us and provide detailed explanations. These courses not only improved my Japanese proficiency but also gave me a deeper understanding of Japanese culture.

In conclusion, my exchange experience at Gakushuin University brought me many wonderful memories and invaluable experiences. From the initial unfamiliarity and apprehension to gradually adapting and enjoying life here, I learned how to live independently in a new environment, made many new friends, and expanded my international perspective. This experience will be an unforgettable chapter in my life and will add endless possibilities to my future studies and life.

SU, Yun Han - National Sun Yat-sen University

Enrolled in Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science
April 2022 - March 2023




学習院⼤学の1 年間で多くの⽇本⼈の友⼈や世界各国からの留学⽣ができた、初めて踏み出した海外で交換留学を選んでよかったと思います。

LIU, Jie - Soochow University

Enrolled in Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics
September 2022 - March 2023


HUANG, Ting-Yu - Tamkang University

Enrolled in Department of Management, Faculty of Economics
April 2019 - March 2020



CHAN, Hsinju - National Sun Yat-sen University

Enrolled in Department of English Language and Cultures, Faculty of Letters
September 2019 - March 2020


LEE, Huan Jan - Soochow University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2018 - March 2019



PONGSANAN  PANUCHANART - Assumption University

Enrolled in Faculty of International Social Sciences
April 2024 - August 2024

I was at Gakushuin University for a semester. It was really nice to study in such a good place with good companions. Gakushuin University is an amazing place, which provides a lot of facilities for students. They have an innovative library and great support for exchange students. People here are also quite friendly, they will try to approach you and communicate with you. I made a lot of friends while doing an exchange program.

Moreover, an international center provided a lot of activities for international students, which created an opportunity for exchange students to get to know each other.

I appreciate everything Gakushuin University has done for me. Thank you very much.

Tawanchai Chaemchuen - Assumption University

Enrolled in Faculty of International Social Sciences
April 2024 - August 2024





RUAMWONG, Shama - Chulalongkorn University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2021 - August 2022








MONGKHONSI, Thitaporn - Chulalongkorn University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2019 - August 2020

学習院大学で留学した1年間はとても素晴らしい経験でした。この1年間日本人、留学生の新しい友達ができました。そして、先生方のおかげで、自分の日本語も成長していました。また、学習院大学には国際センターがあって、何が問題があったらすぐに連絡できます。 勉強だけではなく、学習院大学には様々なプログラム ホストファミリー、茶道、書道などがあって、日本の伝統的も日本人の生活も勉強しました。この留学の間は忘れられない1年間になります。


Selena Yaera Yoo - Murdoch University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2022 - August 2023

My stay in Tokyo and at Gakushuin university was very eventful and enjoyable! I truly loved the experience and wish I could continue to study here. Throughout my exchange, I was able to really immerse myself in Japanese culture and university lifestyle, especially thanks to all the events the international centre arranged for the exchange students.

I was able to make lots of good memories, connections and friends while studying here, and some activities included going on a trip with my exchange classmates, exploring Tokyo with my new Japanese friends, and even going to Disneyland with my buddies.
There were times when classes were challenging, but the teachers were always very supportive, and I often learnt new things and developed new skills, so it was always fun. Also, I found 
the Student Assisted (SA) lessons extremely helpful and I believe my 
Japanese has improved quite a lot due to my SA partners. 

I am truly grateful for the teachers at Gakushuin University and the staff at the International Centre who were always happy to help, patient and understanding even when my Japanese was lacking. 
Thank you for an amazing exchange experience!

Greenwood, Luke - Murdoch University

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2022 - March 2023

I decided in a few years ago now that I wanted to come to Gakushuin University on exchange but due to all the unfortunate realities of COVID, I was unable to. Over two years of waiting later and I was finally able to get here. To say I was more than ready to get stuck in would be an understatement to be sure.

My first couple weeks here were hectic, with plenty of paperwork and sorting out all the important stuff any exchange student must complete after coming here. Once I got all that out of the way I got to experience all the wonderful things Wakeijuku, Gakushuin and Mejiro-dai had to offer. I genuinely have loved living in this area and couldn't recommend it enough. The gorgeous greenery combined with the amazing access to plenty of local restaurants and important locations without being in a super busy area was truly a godsend.

There was of course some culture shock living in an all-boys dorm but once you get used to those sorts of things, you can truly sink into a way of life that I've enjoyed thoroughly over the past semester. The wonderful teachers and staff help smooth over the rest and I can say without a doubt, this was the cap to my time at University that I was hoping it would be!

JEFFERY, Samantha - University of New South Wales

Enrolled in Faculty of International Social Sciences
September 2022-August 2023

Studying at Gakushuin has been an absolute highlight of my degree! I have made so many wonderful friends and had such amazing experiences. Despite my Japanese being quite poor, everyone is so welcoming and friendly, and they have really made my semester unforgettable. Whilst the Japanese classes themselves are quite challenging for beginner levels, the experience has made my Japanese improve drastically with small sizes and very friendly teachers. Also, having the free tutoring sessions and a buddy system available were incredibly helpful ways to learn Japanese, make friends, and receive any general help. Plus, being in the International Social Sciences Department meant that everyone spoke excellent English and so making friends was not difficult. Being quite a small university and only having a few exchange students ensured that you felt really valued, especially by the International Centre who were immensely helpful and organised some cool events for us. I also joined the softball circle which was a fantastic way to make friends and enjoy different aspects of university life. Life in Tokyo itself is insanely fun, there is always so much to see and do! The university campus is quite small, but it is very green, has lots of great facilities, and is in a great, central location.

I would definitely recommend Gakushuin to anyone who wants to study abroad in Japan!

United States

Logan Dakota Wilson - Troy University

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
April 2024-August 2024

My time spent here at Gakushuin University has been nothing short of unforgettable! Originally, I had planned to come to Japan to experience a completely different culture from my own, and that I did. However, with that being said, my Japanese skills were very basic and I didn't understand much (pretty much just reading Hiragana and introducing myself). This made me quite nervous, but all of my nerves were wiped away once I arrived at Gakushuin. Not only are you welcomed with open arms, you are given everything you need to succeed and more. To say the staff and teachers are understanding would be an understatement. The Staff will assist you with anything you need and the teachers will go out of their way to make sure you understand the material!

Another thing I would like to shine some light on is the buddy system that is offered. Whenever I first arrived, I was assigned 2 buddies who were fellow students here at Gakushuin. Not only are they extremely welcoming and helpful but so are the buddies of other international students! These fellow peers of mine ended up becoming some of my closest friends here in Japan and I will be forever grateful for them! Without this buddy system, I can guarantee I wouldn't have been as social and would have had troubles in my day-to-day life abroad.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here in Japan, exploring and experiencing this culture. I can't thank the staff, teachers, and fellow students enough for this fantastic semester abroad. I am looking forward to one day revisiting to catch up with everyone!

Rosow Jacob Paul - Utah Tech University

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
April 2023-August 2023

My time at Gakushuin has been such a wonderful experience. When I arrived in Japan, the Gakushuin orientation, staff, and buddy system were all great resources to prepare me for all the things I had to do. I am so grateful to the staff at the International Center for all the help and
guidance while at Gakushuin. I was in the International Social Sciences (ISS) department while at Gakushuin. I took classes to
improve my Japanese language ability, as well as classes in Japanese economic development and contemporary Japanese society, a multicultural co-learning class, a law class, and a volleyball class. Each of these classes were all very interesting. Taking classes to improve my Japanese really did improve my language ability. The teachers were so kind and supportive to us international students and made class a great learning experience. I also wanted to deepen my understanding of Japanese society, history, and culture and with my other classes, I achieved that goal. Learning Japan's history of economic development, about the laws, the contemporary society, and world issues relating to Japan, I can say I am much more educated and knowledgeable about these topics. Taking a volleyball class was also a great way to meet Japanese students in a fun and competitive environment. The events held at Gakushuin were also very fun. I really enjoyed the various "chat rooms" that were held to meet and talk with Japanese students. I really enjoyed meeting new people this way and I made mashing friendships. There was also a group trip to Chiba, a Kabuki event, Zazen event, and a few others. The events I participated in were really great! Learning about Zazen's history and purpose and then participating in Zazen was very interesting and I'm glad I was able to do it on campus. Gakushuin has a beautiful campus with new and historic buildings that are all stunning. I especially enjoyed relaxing in the nature areas of campus. I enjoyed meeting new friends at the
cafeteria, and spending a lot of time at the library studying and resting between classes. Spending this semester in Japan I have also been able to travel to various places in Japan. A few of my favorite places I went to were Kyoto, Osaka, Hakone, Kanazawa, Yokohama, and many places near Tokyo. Seeing the differences between the mega city of Tokyo and the more cultural center of Kyoto was really amazing. Traveling around Japan, sightseeing, trying local cuisines, and exploring was definitely one of my favorite parts of this experience. Meeting so many new people and making friendships that will last a lifetime was also one of my favorite parts of studying abroad at Gakushuin. Thank you everyone that made this experience possible! It truly was the best time of my life!

LEGG, Jacob Logan - University of Virginia's College at Wise

Enrolled in Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science
September 2022-August 2023

I originally came to study at Gakushuin University in pursuit of possibly attending medical university later in Japan. I was technically enrolled in the Department of Natural Sciences, however most of my classes included Japanese language classes. My time at Gakushuin University is a time that I will never forget. The opportunity to come to Japan for the first time in my life was an amazing one. Not only was this my first time ever coming to Japan, but it also gave me my first opportunity to travel outside my own country for the very first time. I consider this experience and ability to experience another culture to be lifechanging. I have met people from Japan and other countries of the world, as well as made friends that I hope will last in the years to come.

This semester I was blown away by the teachers. I could not believe their willingness to try to help me whenever I struggled and the lengths that they would go for me to ensure that I was able to understand the material, felt comfortable, or that I was okay a few occasions whenever I became sick. Unfortunately I was only able to study here for 1 semester instead of a year as planned, but I am still very happy with the experience I have gained and the memories that I have made while here.

I truly appreciate Gakushuin University, my teachers, the international center, and the students/friends I met for making this semester an amazing one. I still feel that there is so much more I could do while in Japan but I don't have enough time. However, this opportunity to study at Gakushuin has confirmed that I will be happy to return one day to Japan and experience more that the amazing country has to offer.

United Kingdom

Lewis Boylan - Oxford Brookes University

Enrolled in Department of History, Faculty of Letters
September 2023-August 2024

Gakushuin University has been the best experience in Japan I could have asked for. Gakushuin is in a great part of Japan, near the middle of Toyko and just a walk away from Ikebukuro, my favourite place in Japan and a hugely convenient place to go out with your friends at night, as it has many restaurants, izakaya, and kareoke etc, as well as having almost every line in tokyo in its station. Gakushuin's staff is incredibly helpful and looks after you very well. If you have an issue, they will help you. For example, when I dropped my phone in Japan I sent them an email, and the same day they phoned up all the nearby phone repair shops and asked if they had parts for my phone (as its very rare to have a Samsung in Japan) and replied to my email with the address of a place that would help me. They really are fantastic. The facilities in Gakushuin are modern, and good. It's a pretty University, and it has a gym which you can sign up for, as well as a huge amount of circles. The university also only accepts a small number of international students (about 50), which creates a tight-knit community where most international students are friends with each other which I really like as everyone I met here has been great. The university also occasionally holds trips for the international students which allows you to learn lots about Japanese culture first hand. A couple examples are where we made noodles and used Kimono printing techniques to decorate bags which we took home! They also asign you 3 buddys soon after you arrive, who will help you with all of the beaurocracy you have to do when you move in, as well as other things and are usually friendly and introduce you easily to some potential Japanese friends. I really cannot reccomend Gakushuin enough, the only complaint I can think of is that if you want to take classes in English other than Japanese, be prepared to take classes about politics or economics because those are the only subjects taught in English here. (Most international students take 1 or 2 of these) of course if you're interested that it's not an issue though. Overall though a fantastic university, you should come!

LEWIS, PETER JOSEPH - Oxford Brookes University

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
September 2022-August 2023

My time in Gakushuin University has been a dream come true. Every day I was able to meet new people, exchange cultures and make new friends. The Gakushuin University International centre was always happy to help me whenever I had any questions or queries. The International centre also give international students the opportunity to present and explain about their home country. I had the opportunity to perform and play music such as Jazz, J-pop, afrobeat to everyone. I also had to opportunity to join many clubs such as the Flying House and Sky Sound Orchestra. I performed al over Japan and meet new musicians to perform with. My moment will be a moment that I will remember for a very long time!!

BENNETT, Grace - University of East Anglia

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2018-August 2019

My one-year exchange programme has been an experience I can truly say I will never forget.

I stayed at Azalea House in Heiwadai, Nerima, and it was a wonderful area to live in for exchange students, with easy access to downtown Tokyo, whilst also being in a quiet and relaxed suburb. The individual apartment-style accommodation is an excellent respite from the busy city, and the private kitchenette and bathroom, a rarity in student accommodation, were a huge bonus.

Through the International Centre there was a buddy programme set up, with exchange students being assigned one or two native Japanese students as buddies, to help them adjust and settle to life in Japan. My two buddies were very friendly and helpful, and they not only helped me with necessary procedures such as setting up bank accounts and paying rent, but also showed me around the city, and have continued to stay in touch.

I was also able to take classes held in Japanese alongside native students, and this was an amazing opportunity that really improved my Japanese skills as well as increasing my confidence in them. This is something that is obviously not on offer at home in the UK, so I am very glad I had the chance here at Gakushuin.

Above all, this year-long exchange was my first experience living alone, let alone overseas, and I feel I have learned a lot about myself, as well as improving my language skills, so I am very grateful to Gakushuin University for providing such a wonderful exchange experience.


HOLZINGER, Lukas - University of Mannheim

Enrolled in Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics
September 2022 - March 2023

I had a great time spending my semester abroad at Gakushuin University! Due to the very well-structured and organized Japanese classes I could improve my language skill significantly and could connect to the local students very easily. The students were all very forthcoming & approachable so during my my 6-month stay I could make a lot of new friends. I also felt very appreciated by the professors of the ISS department which made the semester and the classes very enjoyable! All in all I would definitely recommend Gakushuin University if you want to make real connections with locals and want to have a great time at University!

SCHNEE, Yazzuag Anna - University of Mannheim

Enrolled in Faculty of International Social Sciences
April 2022 - March 2023

I had an amazing time during my exchange semester at Gakushuin University! As a student of English and economics, Japan wasn't the most obvious choice to spend my time abroad, but I was excited to learn about the culture and language of the country. Even though I barely spoke any Japanese at the time of my arrival, I quickly settled in Japan, thanks to the great help of the Gakushuin international office and the buddy system. All these people always tried their best to help me and answer all my questions. Moreover, the university organized several great events like Sumo, Bunraku or a trip to Hakone, which made me learn so much about Japan and its culture.

The classes I took were part of the ISS department and I enjoyed all of them, especially the one of Christopher Hammond on Theme-based Discussions. I will really miss the beautiful campus with its wide range of clubs and sports activities offered.

I wish all of you the best and am sad that I can't stay for another semester!

MAMAJ, Besilda - University of Bayreuth

Enrolled in Graduate School of Management
September 2019 - March 2020

Why Gakushuin?
Some universities are said to only prepare you for the JLPT and you end up speaking zero Japanese. At Gakushuin however, you can improve your speech very quickly if you engage with the Japanese students. This is due to two reasons:

  • The number of students at Gakushuin is capped, so the overall feeling of Gakushuin is warmer and you can engage with the Japanese students not only at the International Centre but also during class.
  • You get an academic advisor whom you can consult with any time and who is most likely very happy to invite you to his classes and seminars in which you can meet the local students.

The journey of learning Japanese is hard - but worth it!
During the time you get started and deal with it, you may feel overwhelmed, because you will be bombarded, but the impact on your language will show very soon. Moreover, since your classes will mostly be you and two to three other students, you will be very close to your professor and can therefore consult anytime with him. Grad School Students have research rooms for their major at their faculties, where you can retreat to study (even beyond library opening hours) or converse and consult with your peers.

Choose your classes according to your goals!
If I were to suggest you a master plan for improving your Japanese, I would advise you to attend 3 or 4 regular Japanese speaking classes of your major and supplement the remaining classes with language classes. The Japanese speaking classes equip you with new sets of vocabulary and let you become accustomed to native Japanese. These are the classes where you make the most progress.

LINK, Matthias - University of Bayreuth

Enrolled in Master's Course in Business Management
September 2018-August 2019

I came here as a Master exchange student in August 2018. It was my second exchange in Japan and I was very excited to take the challenge. My first impression of Gakushuin University was very positive. As a one-campus University, Gakushuin is very compact and you got a nice feeling entering the gate next to Mejiro station.

During my exchange year I took no Japanese language courses, so I had almost no contact with other exchange students. I mainly took mathematical oriented business and economics master courses, all in Japanese. Most of them were only with one up to five students. It was a very private teaching atmosphere and I could learn a lot.

After I arrived, I received a lot of help from very gentle professors. I received a key for the business and economics research lab and I could freely use a desk on my own.

PARK, Taemin - University of Mannheim

Enrolled in Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics
September 2018-March 2019

I really had a lot of fun here at Gakushuin. I was impressed by the very clean and excellent library.

The staffs at the International Centre were also friendly and I always appreciated their help. I am sad that I can only stay here for one semester, but the time here at Gakushuin will remain as an unforgettable memory.

The food at the canteen was excellent and cheap, so I will definitely miss it when I go back to Germany.


Noémie Le Tonquèze - IAE Paris-Est UPEC

Enrolled in Faculty of International Social Sciences
April 2024-August 2024

I had a wonderful experience in Japan, and I am so thankful to everyone who made it possible. Coming to Japan to have my own adventure and improve my language skills was one of my dreams, and I am so grateful to have made it come true!

Gakushuin is a fantastic university with a well-organized and friendly International Center that is always there to help you if needed. The teachers are very kind, and the students are just as friendly! Thanks to the buddy system, I was able to meet many Japanese students right from the start, which was amazing. We have become very good friends and will definitely stay in touch. The campus is also great, and I really enjoyed attending classes and spending time there. I will definitely miss it.

I will remember this experience for the rest of my life because it brought me so many positive things, both personally and professionally. I will definitely miss my daily life and all the trips and experiences I had in Japan. I really look forward to coming back, and I wish all future exchange students an experience as great as mine.

Thank you so much again, and I wish you all the best in the future!

MANIERE, Clara - Université Paris Cité

Enrolled in Department of History (Graduate)
April 2022-August 2020

I had a fantastic time at Gaskushuin University. I'm very thankful to all the people who made this one-semester exchange possible. Due to the Covid-19 situation, I couldn't stay at Gakushuin for two semesters as I planned, but I really enjoyed my time there. It's my second exchange in Japan, so my focus was to enjoy my daily life in Tokyo, as well as improve my keigo (敬語) skills, and I think I achieved these objectives. 

I took two Graduate History classes (European/Taiwan History) which were fully in Japanese (and with Chinese documents for the Taiwan History class). I sometimes had hard times understanding all the contents of the classes, but it was interesting. About the Japanese classes, I think I didn't learn new things that much, but it helped me to review my Japanese knowledge that I've learned so far. Also, it's been a long time since I had face-to-face classes, it was truly a relief to meet the professors and my comrades every week. Talking about the professors, they were very nice and accommodating. 

I couldn't make a lot of Japanese friends in Tokyo, but I got along well with the other exchange students. I had a lot of fun with them, and so I would like to thank them as well. 

As a conclusion, my exchange at Gakushuin was very profitable for me, especially on a personal level, and I would not forget about this one-semester experience. Thank you for everything!

LECKLER, Lara - University of Strasbourg

Enrolled in Department of History
September 2019-August 2020

I was in Gakushuin for one year but because of the Coronavirus, I was just on the campus for four months. It was short but very nice to meet student from Gakushuin. I also took a sport class and I think It was the best way to make friends. It is also very interesting to go sometimes at the department in Gakushuin of your mother language. In my case it was French. You can meet Japanese students who are interested by your language and you can talk with them. It is very helpful for you but for them too.

In General, I have a lot of good memories with students of Gakushuin. All were very nice and understanding.

I also travelled a lot in Japan. It was the best part of my year as an exchange student. I think if you go in Japan you must see other side not just Tokyo. So, I was in Kyoto, Osaka, Okinawa, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kagoshima... and a lot of other places.

BOUDALI, Mona - Université Paris-Est Créteil

Enrolled in Department of Economics and Management
April 2020-August 2020

Going to Japan has always been my dream since my childhood and thanks to the partnership my university in France has with Gakushuin my dream came true. I arrived in Japan in march in the middle of the sanitary crisis, and it was a tough time and fortunately the International Center was always there to support me. Despite the fact that all of my courses were online I really enjoyed studying at Gakushuin. One of my goals going to Japan was also to learn Japanese and I had two fabulous teachers there, both had completely different approaches, I was able to work everyday talking and oral pronunciation with one and kanjis and vocabulary with another. I also took economic classes in english that were interesting.

I did not have the opportunity to study on the campus but I got there once for my courses completion and I was amazed by how gorgeous is the university. The old buildings are really beautiful and surrounded by a forest in which you can have some fresh air although you are in the middle of Tokyo.

Gakushuin's International Center also organized two online events, yosegi-zaiku and a tea ceremony. Although we weren't able to come to the campus because of the virus the administration managed to send to our home all of the equipment we needed to realize these workshops. We did it online with them and other students and I really keep good memories of these moments.

I am very thankful for everything the International Center and the University did for me, because they always have been there for administrative and personal purposes.

My exchange to Japan was definitely my best experience in life so far. I literally lived my best life ever in Tokyo and elsewhere when I had the opportunity to travel. Going to Japan for 6 months changed me, I learned a lot of things and met incredible people, I really wish to everybody to experience something like that in their life. Thank you Gakushuin for making this real.


Andrea Grainer - Paris Lodron University in Salzburg

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
September 2023-March 2024

It can be quite overwhelming to move to a different country, even more so if you have never been there before. But my experience at Gakushuin University was very enjoyable and staying in Tokyo while attending Gakushuin University was a very meaningful time to me. Not only were the staff members of the International Centre constantly available for any kind of question and concern we foreign exchange students might have, but they also assisted our arrival in Japan by explaining all the necessary paperwork and steps. The teachers at Gakushuin University are similarily understanding and helpful. My Japanese still has a long way to improve and I was very afraid that because of my poor language skill, I would face a lot of difficulties. This worry was completely unnecessary as thanks to my patient teachers I was able to learn a lot in the Japanese Language classes. I also signed up for the Student Assistant program, so a Japanese student was assigned to help me with my Japanese homework and class preparations. The weekly meetings with my Student Assistant played a very important role in improving my Japanese.

Whenever there was something I was struggling with, I could rely on my buddies or the new friends I had made, that's why I never had to worry by myself. And not to mention that you can easily meet people and make new friends on campus. A lot of students are very eager to meet foreign exchange students and the International Centre is the perfect place to do so. I spent many of my lunchbreaks there, talking and laughing with foreign exchange students and Japanese students alike. Of course, it has become a very precious place to me.

I am also glad I was allowed to join a club. There are so many different kinds of clubs at Gakushuin University that it was difficult to chose but once I had decided, I was really happy to have entered without any difficulties. Together with the club members, I have made a lot of memories and I believe it was a great way to learn about the university life in Japan. I feel very lucky to have experienced that part of Japanese culture and would recommend anyone to try and join a club.

I have gained a lot from my months spent at Gakushuin University. Knowledge that will help me in my university studies back in my own country, a better understanding of the Japanese culture and language and new friends are only a few examples. I am very grateful that I was given the opportunity to study at Gakushuin University for the last semester!


Irene Porpora Anastasio - University of Turin

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
April 2024 - August 2024

I spent an amazing time here in Tokyo, and I'm happy I had the chance to attend Gakushuin University. Before coming and during the first few days in Japan, I faced many challenges, but thanks to the help of many people (both Japanese friends and the staff at the International Center) I managed everything. It can be demoralising at the beginning, but don't worry too much. I met amazing people during my journey here, not only international students like me, but also Japanese students. Gakushuin University has not a lot of international students, compared to other big universities in Tokyo, so it's very easy to make new friends and get along.

The campus of this prestigious university is surrounded by nature and filled with wonderful buildings. When I'm there it feels like a "safe space", and I forget I'm in the super busy and overwhelming centre of Tokyo.

The buddy program is very helpful, and thanks to that, I had 3 new Japanese friends right from the start of the semester.

The activities organized by the International Center were so fun and stimulating. If you participate you will have the chance to experience the Japanese culture while having fun with your friends.

The courses are so different from the ones I usually take in Italy, but the Professors were always available when I encountered any problems. I found the courses interesting and beneficial. I feel I was able to improve my Japanese language skills thanks to the Japanese courses, which motivated me to continue improving even more, in order to come back here someday, but with a deeper understanding of what living and studying in Japan really means.

So many things happened during this semester, and I hope I can stay longer next time.  The things I did and the people I met during my stay will always hold a special place in my heart and memory, but I'm sure I will meet them again one day and remember together this period with nostalgia. I will never forget this semester, it is an amazing experience that changed my life and made me more mature. I would recommend it to any person interested in studying in Japan.

Ivee Lea Marianne Garcia - University of Turin

Enrolled in Graduate Course in Japanese Language and Literature
April 2024 - August 2024

My experience at Gakushuin has been educational in various aspects. The only comment I would make is regarding the duration, as the period of a single semester passes in an instant.

As many have already mentioned, preparing all the necessary documentation for mobility takes time, but fortunately, the staff at the International Center are available to respond to and guide us through any types of requests and concerns, becoming a point of reference amid the school life on campus. The International Center also organizes interesting educational activities that allow us foreign students to become closer to Japanese culture. I recommend participating in all these activities provided, as they are often free or accessible at a reasonable price.

Campus life is very lively, with various common and outdoor spaces that allow for a brief escape from the hectic life when desired. Thanks to the 'buddy' system, it was easy to make initial acquaintances with Japanese students and handle the necessary steps upon arrival, such as subscribing to national insurance, opening a bank account, and purchasing a simple Japanese SIM card.

Regarding the structure of courses within the university, they are relatively different from the courses I am accustomed to in Italy, and I do not hide the fact that I encountered some difficulties. However, the university offers support systems, and the professors were all more than available throughout the semester to assist and clarify any unclear points. Do not hesitate to ask questions.

DE MONTIS, Francesco - University of Turin

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters
September 2022 - August 2023

Being part of the Gakushuin University even for just six months was one of the best experiences in my life, I've had the chance to meet a lot of great people from all around the world that inspired me, amazing professors and new friends.

VIZZINI, Francesco José - University of Turin

Enrolled in Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Faculty of Leters
April 2022 - August 2022

I was a student at Gakushuin University from April 2022 to August 2022 in the department of Japanese language and literature . Getting straight to the point, this was one of the best experiences of my life, as after more than a year of waiting because of covid I was able to study Japanese in a Japanese university, something I had been waiting for since my first year at university.

Certainly, this kind of experience has served me well in improving my Japanese language skills: comparing the me who is writing this report with the me who just arrived at Narita airport in April 2022 I note with much enthusiasm that I have improved in both writing and speaking, and this is mainly because of the courses I took at the university.

On the other hand, I have met many new people and made as many new friends with whom I very much hope to meet in the future as well. 

All in all, the experience of studying Japanese at Gakushuin University was a unique experience that I will surely always carry within me and look back on with happiness and nostalgia whenever I think of Japan.

CAMOLETTO, Alberto - University of Turin

Enrolled in Graduate Course in Japanese Language and Literature
April 2022 - August 2022

Being in a prestigious university, like Gakushuin is, and have the chance to study for one semester in Tokyo is more than I had hoped for when I started studying Japanese.

I found two main difficulties during my mobility: filling out the documents before coming to Japan and the very first few days in Tokyo, which have been a bit disorientating because of the great number of things I was not used to. I suggest not to worry too much about these things, however: the International Centre and the many people you are going to meet here are going to help you.

I stayed at Azalea House, which by underground is about 20 minutes away from both the university and a lively centre like Ikebukuro. Heiwadai, where Azalea House is located, is a very nice and safe area. Also, each room has both a private bathroom and a kitchen, so you can enjoy having a space that's your own while staying here, which was quite important to me. Don't worry about water, gas and electricity bills, since they're easy to pay (you can do it in every convenience store) and not very expensive.

I am satisfied with the level of the courses here at Gakushuin. I took mainly courses offered in Japanese and that helped me much to improve my Japanese level. Attending courses offered in Japanese also gave me the opportunity to easily get in touch with many Japanese people.

Although I had been studying Japanese for a few years when I came here, some courses were sometimes hard to understand because of the language: the number of papers and documents to study is not very high, however, so it's easy to keep up with the lessons by checking at home any unclear point.

All the professors have been very kind throughout the whole semester. They are willing to explain things once again if not clear and always there to give advice about their course. If you have any kind of problem with their lessons, don't hesitate to ask for their help!

A point I was a bit worried about before coming to Japan was socialisation: I had heard that approaching Japanese people may be sometimes hard. That was not my case, quite the opposite, actually: many times, people just started talking to me curious to know where I came from and why I was studying at Gakushuin. The fact I could reply in Japanese probably helped (almost everybody tried straight away to speak to me in Japanese), but this happened many times: I also made some friends this way!

Another important way of getting to know Japanese people is through university clubs and circles: check the university website (/active/club/) to find out if there's anything you could be interested about, as I'm sure it is a great opportunity to deepen the understanding of Japanese culture, as well.

The International Centre at Gakushuin also organises interesting events for exchange students: we went to Kawagoe to blow glass, visited the fish market, watched kabuki, and made traditional sweets in Ueno. I definitely recommend taking part in these activities, as they are important to bond with other students from all over the world!

Being alone in Japan may be hard from time to time, but don't let this dissuade you, as with the help of the people around you and a little patience everything is going to turn out for the best.

GUARINO, Carla - University of Naples "L'Orientale"

Enrolled in Master's Course in Japanese Language and Literature
September 2018-August 2019

Studying at Gakushuin University was an amazing experience. After this year not only I improved but also I met new people and new cultures. This experience changed my life: studying and sharing time with my new friends opened my mind on new ways of thinking. The trip, the events and the chat rooms organized by the Kokusai Centre helped me to meet new Japanese people and to improve my Japanese skills. This was a year of changes that I will never forget.


Franciszek Marek Kroll - Jagielloński University

Enrolled in Department of International Social Sciences, Faculty of International Social Sciences
September 2023 - August 2024

Starting things with the arrival the process was much smoother than I anticipated. The help and easy communication with the international center made it a stress-free process for which Im grateful. Same could be said about every step of the way which is a big plus. Moving on to studying in Gakushuin, no matter the department everyone can find something for themselves. There are some really interesting classes and some boring ones but the former are much more abundant. The campus is also well equipped to make the experience as enjoyable for students as possible. All in all the Im really glad to have chosen Gakushuin as my University for exchange and can safely recommend it to anyone having doubts about choosing an University in Japan.


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